To install JDK from Oracle use following steps:
1. Download JDK from Oracle web site:
2. Extract file will be of .bin format. For example - for 64-bit system we have jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin.
3. Put this bin file in your home directory.
4. Now need to extract this file to use Java API.
5. Extract BIN file:
6. Same named folder will be created in the same directory.1. Download JDK from Oracle web site:
2. Extract file will be of .bin format. For example - for 64-bit system we have jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin.
3. Put this bin file in your home directory.
4. Now need to extract this file to use Java API.
5. Extract BIN file:
- Make BIN file executable using this command: chmod +x jdk***.bin
- For executing use: ./jdk***.bin
7. Now need to provide JDK path to JAVA_HOME variable in .bashrc file.
8. Edit .bashrc file in editor use following command:
gedit .bashrc
9. Now put this code in your .bashrc file:
export JAVA_HOME=/home/jdk***
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
10. Save file.
11. To refresh your bash settings write this command and hit enter:
12. To verify configured JDK path use this command:
which java
This will display your configured path i.e. /home/jdk***/bin/java
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